Monday, December 16, 2013

A Time of Gifting (Blog #15)

Hi everyone,

We are rounding the corner to our final weeks of class. Not only that, but we have just 4.5 days this week and then we are off to celebrate the holidays and the New Year. In class, we've been collecting money for the giving tree gifts. I was able to take 7 tags off the tree this year and fill bags for each of those children. I do hope they will have a wonderful and happy Christmas this year.

This led me to think about giving and receiving. At some point in our lives, we have been given a gift more meaningful to us than sometimes words can hold. Whether it was something you had wanted for a long, long time, or a gift from someone who is very special to you, or a gift of someone's time, this week I'd like you to think about the most special gift you have ever received. Tell us about it.

When I was 8, it was my Golden Birthday, and I received a pound puppy and a box of chocolates that I did not have to share with anyone. I remember it being the best gift ever. Now, I am much older and I look at every day as a gift. Each day that I wake up and hear my daughter's laughing together, watch them play soccer or dance the Nutcracker, they give me the gift of being a mom every day. And for that, I am forever grateful.

Enjoy this holiday season with your families, and think about the very special times you share together.

Ms. Z.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Current Events (Blog #14)

Hi everyone,

It is the midpoint of term 2, which means we don't have a lot of time left! This week's blog inspiration came to me as I have been watching the events unfold in Kyiev, Ukraine. What events???? you may be thinking to yourself, because they haven't been covered much in the U.S.

A good friend of mine from graduate school teaches English to students in Kyiev. Over the past week he has been posting pictures of the uprising/rebellion in the city. There are 2 factions, those who want to join the European Union and those who wish to join forces with Russia. There have been clashes, battles, and more between the protestors and the police. Some of the pictures and video he has posted look like a post apocalyptic event.

This made me start thinking about my writing classes and how we are finishing up our unit on Argument....and how there are two sides to every story.

This week I'd like you to write about one current event that interests you. Tell us about the event and your feelings about it. Then, a few days later, go back and comment on two others' postings as well.

Ms. Z.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Characterization (Blog #13)


I hope each of you had some time over the holiday break to relax and spend quality time with family and friends.

I took some time to catch up on past seasons of the television show “The Walking Dead.” For several years I have avoided the show while my husband has been an avid reader of the books and watcher of the series, all the while listening to him go on and on about the fantastic writing and depth of the characters. So, I finally caved in and started watching. Within 2 episodes I was completely hooked. Now anyone who knows me understands that I do not like violence, gore, horror, or anything remotely zombie…but these characters are compelling, driven, and as a viewer I want them to survive and succeed! (I just close my eyes every time a zombie comes on screen!)

I also took the time to read through my Creative Writing Students’ long fiction stories and started thinking about how they could improve their characters and enhance their stories. As well, my Writing Workshop students will soon finish their current unit on Argument and begin a unit on Movie Review, where they will need to take a close look at the characters in the movie and what makes them compelling to an audience.

For this blog, I’d like you to think carefully about a character(s) in a current television show or movie that you enjoy. Tell us why the character(s) are so compelling. What makes them so? Why do you keep watching?

Please post your comment but go back and comment on 2 others’ as well.

Ms. Z.