Monday, December 16, 2013

A Time of Gifting (Blog #15)

Hi everyone,

We are rounding the corner to our final weeks of class. Not only that, but we have just 4.5 days this week and then we are off to celebrate the holidays and the New Year. In class, we've been collecting money for the giving tree gifts. I was able to take 7 tags off the tree this year and fill bags for each of those children. I do hope they will have a wonderful and happy Christmas this year.

This led me to think about giving and receiving. At some point in our lives, we have been given a gift more meaningful to us than sometimes words can hold. Whether it was something you had wanted for a long, long time, or a gift from someone who is very special to you, or a gift of someone's time, this week I'd like you to think about the most special gift you have ever received. Tell us about it.

When I was 8, it was my Golden Birthday, and I received a pound puppy and a box of chocolates that I did not have to share with anyone. I remember it being the best gift ever. Now, I am much older and I look at every day as a gift. Each day that I wake up and hear my daughter's laughing together, watch them play soccer or dance the Nutcracker, they give me the gift of being a mom every day. And for that, I am forever grateful.

Enjoy this holiday season with your families, and think about the very special times you share together.

Ms. Z.


  1. For my birthday last year, I was given John Mayer tickets (my favorite artist ever) for my 17th birthday. Although this was not my favorite present that I have ever received, the little observations that lead my friend to know that John Mayer is my favorite artist really meant a lot to me. The concert ended up being amazing and I cannot wait to see John Mayer live again in the future!

    1. My favorite is a concert too! (;

  2. I think my favorite present I was ever given was a piano around 5 or so Christmases ago. I had never taken a lesson, but I learned how to play from my cousin on their piano when we used to go to their house for Thanksgiving when I was 10 and then when I learned how to read music I would practice at my grandparents house. I loved this present because it was the first time I ever taught myself how to do something and now I can any piano any time!

  3. For my eighteenth birthday back in october my parent's spent over five hundred dollars to buy me a new laptop. It meant so much to me not only because I am always on my computer but over the last two years I had worked very hard in school and at my job to show my parents I deserved this new laptop. And I knew that when they bought this for me it was because they were proud of all the progress I had made, and that computer was them telling me I did a good job. I was able to make them happy which makes the gift special to me.

    1. I loved getting my laptop for Christmas in eighth grade. I also tried hard in school to show my parents that I deserved one!

  4. The best gift I ever recieved waqs red sox - yankees tickets in the 2004 season. It was just after the Yankees beat the Red Sox in the 2003 ALCS and as an 8-year-old diehard Red Sox fan I was very upset. My parents knew that I wanted to see them beat the yankees and thats what they got me. At the time I thought that was the best thing I could ever recieve. As I get older I learn the not everything has to be materialistic to be meaningful.

  5. One of the favorite gifts I have gotten was the necklace my uncle got me for christmas 2 years ago. It was beautiful and really expensive. The part that means so much to me is that he is my sisters godfather and he gets her a godfather gift, which is always something super nice and super expensive. That year though, I got one too. My godfather is an asshole who never did anything nice for me, I think he knew that so he decided for me to join the tradition of giving me a godfather gift too. It was probably the most meaning christmas present I have gotten.

  6. The most memorable gifti ever got was from my brother when he paid for tickets to game seven against the canadiens to watch the bruins win in overtime on Nathan Hortons goal at the Garden. i will never forget the crowds reaction and the parade down the street after the game. The Bruins went on to win the Cup that year

  7. The best gift I have ever gotten was my camera. I absolutely love taking pictures (I'm no photographer) to keep memories! It is a gift that has lasted me the longest and broght me the most smiles. My parents gave it to me on my birthday a couple years ago. There is a new "smart camera" out that I want now though, mine is getting outdated lol

  8. The best gift that I have ever recieved would have to be when I was when i was seven years old. I got the one of those robotic dogs that had a bone and could walk and talk. He was my best friend for at least the next three years. Although I aged out of the toy dog phase, Robo-dog will forever be in my heart. ily Robo-dog.

    1. was it the Poo-Chi robot dogs? I loved those!

    2. I remember those dogs! I remember seeing them in the Museum of Science when I was younger.

  9. My favorite gift I have ever recieved was my grandfather's cufflinks for a suit. When I first got them I was upset, as I was very young and did not understand the importance of them. They are very special to me now that I can wear them, and am very happy they were given to me.

  10. My favorite gift was a long term one from my grandmother. Starting on the year of my birth she gave me a charm every year to go on a charm bracelet. Each year the charm was based on something that had happened that year or something age related. Over the years I ended up with 14 charms before she passed away, and they are now really beautiful reminders of her.

  11. The best gift I have ever recieved was just last week. I had wanted Beyonce concert tickets ever since she announced her tour. I had been really pushing my dad in the past few weeks to get me tickets. He made no indication that I would be getting the tickets, but last week he surprised me with them! The concert is tomorrow and I could not be more excited! I love Queen B!!! BEST GIFT EVER!

  12. One of my favorite gifts I ever recieved was my dress up box that came with all different princess outfits and shoes to wear. It was a gift for me and my sister when we were pretty young and obsesed with princesses! Our new dress up box was so exciting because I thought I looked amazing in my new gorgeous gowns and felt like a real princess in all my attire. This was an amazing gift my sister and I cherrished for many years.

  13. I think the best gift that I have ever received had to be my ukulele. It was the first instrument that I had really learned to play and it made me the happiest out of any gift that I have ever received. I have had it for just about three and a half years and it was so cheap in comparison to how much time that I have spent playing it. It cost maybe a $100 and I haven't had to do any sort of maintenance on it. I would say I spend at least four hours a week playing it to this day.

  14. My favorite gift I ever recieved was the birth of my little sister. My mom had my brother when I was two, but I wanted a sister. From the time I was two to six, all I ever asked for was a little sister. Until Abby came along I treated trevor like a little girl and forced him to dress up in dresses and do my hair (explains a lot about his personality). Finally after years of waiting my parents told me that my mom was having a baby. I prayed and prayed for a little sister and I got one! I treated Abby like another one of my dolls, but she loved it. As she grew up we got closer, and we are the beeeeest of friends now !!!!!!

  15. My favorite gift ever must have been tickets to the Caribbean. For Christmas one year my parents surprised my brother and I with plane tickets stuffed in our stockings that would be used to travel to the British Virgin Islands that summer. We also receive pictures of the boat that we would be chartering and at first we didn't understand. After the actual trip, it turned out to be the most memorable Christmas gift I would ever receive.

  16. The most special gift I have ever recieved was the book Be Here Now by Ram Dass, given to me by my sister. It wasn't for a holiday or a birthday, but rather I was at her house and I saw it sitting on her shelf, and the cover intruiged me (a deep blue cover with a mandala framing an empty chair, with the word REMEMBER plastered on the top). I asked what it was and she just said "you can have it." The book is full of uniquely crafted spiritual scripture, written by a former Harvard professor turned Hindu guru. It may be cliche, but this book pretty much changed my life. I have it sitting on my coffee table at all times and I flip through it probably every day to remind myself of it's teachings.

  17. 14 years ago, I recieved the gift of my best friend. On christmas evening my family and I traveled to one of my dad's clients house and ecounterd a litter of 6 new born labrador puppies. My parents told me and all my sisters to take a good look at all of them and announced that we would be taking one of them home when they are old enough. By checking in on the puppies every three weeks, my family and I were able to decide on the one pup that would be added on to our family. On valentines day we brought home our first brother of the family, Jaxson. Jaxson has been a huge part of my life, and I do not know what I would do without him. This Christmas he will be 14 years old, and there are many more birthdays to come.

  18. One of the best gifts I have ever recieved was for my 13th birthday. My birthday is April 2nd and so my parents decided to suprise me (and my brother) with a trip to Florida a little over a week later during April break. They planned the trip because I had always thought it would be such a cool experiance to go swim with dolphins, so the "birthday" part of the trip was a day at Discovery Cove. It was definintely one of the best days of my life and I will never forget it.

  19. My favorite gift I ever received was a stuffed animal bunny when I was really little. It was given to me by my aunt and I would bring it everywhere with me when I was little. I still have it today and it reminds me of my childhood.

  20. The best gift I've ever recieved was a big blanket-type sheet that I hang on my wall from my best friend. I loved the fact that instead of spending money on a gift he put in all the time and effort he did to make it for me. And it wasn't just any ordinary blanket but it had little things sewn into it that he has oberved to mean a lot to me like things I cared about and things I hoped to do in the future and there was this one book that I loved called "Little Princess" and he embroidered that across it and surrounded the words with little things. I have it hung up across my bed and look at it every night before I go to bed. I'll always keep it with me through college and whatever in the future because every time I look at it, it reminds me how amazing of a best friend I have.

  21. The best gift I have ever received was when my mom paid for the Spain and Portugal trip last April. I am so grateful for her because I was planning on paying for it because my mom said she couldn't afford it. I didn't have a problem with it because it was my choice to go on the trip with the school and I was willing to work extra hard to earn the money! My mom surprised me and said she was able to afford it and paid for it! I used my own money for spending money but she paid for the other expenses and it meant so much to me! I had the best time! Thanks mommy <3

  22. I would have to say my best present are my siblings. My parents always spoiled me when I was younger and didn't the intention of having other kids. I always bugged my parents that I wish I had a younger sibling and I got my little sister when I was six and my brother when I was ten. The two of them are possibly the most important people in my life. My sister and I are polar opposites, she's more girly while I'm a tomboy. My little brother is exactly like me. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. I asked both of them how would you feel once I go to college. They both joked and said they weren't going to miss me, but later they both came up and hugged me saying it won't be the same. I absolutely love them and they were the best presents I could get. In some way, they helped me grow. I hope to be able to give them back that gift they gave me.

  23. The best gift I ever received was a trip to Spain and Portugal with Morgan Lindsey and Sean Dorsey HOOOLLLAHAHHH. I had wanted to go for so long and everytime I brought it up to my parents, they kind of just brushed it off as a no. BUT, for christmas they told me that I could go and they even paid for the whole thing which was really generous. It was one of the best weeks of my life and its a trip I will never forget. I went with the best people ever and I could not be more grateful.

    1. Soo much fun, I will never forget it! We should all go back. Like actually. I miss it so much...I miss Antonio :(

  24. One gift I will always be grateful for is a jewlery holder i received from a family member after my aunt passed away. It was filled with earrings and bracelets that my aunt used to wear and she knew I loved whatever she wore. I am so lucky to be able to have these possessions from my aunt that nobody else got the privilege to have and I will keep them forever!
