Monday, January 6, 2014

Resolutions (Blog #16)

Happy New Year and welcome to 2014!

I hope that each and every one of you had a wonderful and relaxing holiday break. It was especially nice and long this year with our extra gift of snow days tacked on to the end. Starting a new year is refreshing, a blank page so to speak, waiting for you to fill it with all of your ideas, hopes, goals, and passions. In our culture we often make New Year's Resolutions, changes that we want to bring about in our lives. I'd like you to think about one positive change you'd like to make in 2014. Please share it with us.

I would like to enjoy life a bit more, with all the craziness of family schedules, and daily tasks, I sometimes forget to stop and enjoy my children. They will only be young for a very short time. That is my goal this year.

Ms. Z.