Monday, January 6, 2014

Resolutions (Blog #16)

Happy New Year and welcome to 2014!

I hope that each and every one of you had a wonderful and relaxing holiday break. It was especially nice and long this year with our extra gift of snow days tacked on to the end. Starting a new year is refreshing, a blank page so to speak, waiting for you to fill it with all of your ideas, hopes, goals, and passions. In our culture we often make New Year's Resolutions, changes that we want to bring about in our lives. I'd like you to think about one positive change you'd like to make in 2014. Please share it with us.

I would like to enjoy life a bit more, with all the craziness of family schedules, and daily tasks, I sometimes forget to stop and enjoy my children. They will only be young for a very short time. That is my goal this year.

Ms. Z.


  1. One positive change that I would like to make is to think before I say things, as this often results in some unwanted consequences.

  2. One positive change that I could make this year is to live a more healthy lifestyle. I should make more time to visit the gym more often as well as choose healthier alternatives for snacks and meals.

  3. In 2014, I would like to become more invested in my relationships. As we will all be going off to college sooner than we know it, we will lose touch with our high school friends. I think it's important to preserve the friendships that we have created and built throughout these past four years at Algonquin!

  4. One positive change that I would make for myself in 2014 would be to eat healthier because I tend to eat a lot of fast food.

  5. I want to be able to get along with my siblings more. We always have arguments and I really want to resist myself from lashing out at them. They are amazing people and I want to have a strong relationship with them by the time I leave for college

  6. I always have a lot of resolutions. I have the normal ones like to eat healthier, exercise more and drink more water. But this year I resolve to try to be happier. Whether that manifests itself in taking more time to myself, being more positive, making the most of every situation, hanging out with friends or deleting social media, I will do it!

  7. One positive change I'd like to make is to try and enjoy the present moment more - often I find myself wrapped up in thoughts of the past or future and I forget to absorb the moment that I'm living in. A more tangible goal I wish to uphold is to practice meditation and yoga more regularly.

  8. One positive change I would like to make this year is become more independent. I feel like it's really important I become independent considering I'll be on my own in a few months in college. I would like to rely on others less and learn to rely on myself.

    1. I love this! I need to work on my independence as well

  9. This year I would like to work out more and stay healthy!

  10. One positive change i would like to make in 2014 is to stop spending so much time on my computer and watching netflix and to become more active and eat healthier.

  11. One positive change I would like to make is to be more active and to eat healthier.

  12. This year I have decided to drink more (water) and spend more time outside !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. One of the changes I plan to bring to my life is to eat more healthy. This is important because bad food can have a very negative impact on your body.

  14. One thing that I want to do this year is to take chances and say yes more. I often feel restrained and want to branch out and explore life a little more. I also need to wear my retainer more.

  15. This year I would like to read more good books.

  16. One of my resolutions I made that I really want to stick to this year is "smile more, complain less". 2013 was a crazy year with grades and college, so obviously there was a lot of stress for everyone which lead to a lot of complaining. So this year I want to let go of the things I can't control, live in the present and enjoy the people around me since come June 8th, we're going off in our separate ways.

  17. My new years resolution is to worry less. Now that I've been accepted into college, a lot of the stress I was feeling has gone away. It's time to enjoy the rest of senior year. My good friend Miley Cyrus once said, "life is a climb but the view is great" and I would love to live by that in 2014. Time isn't a given so make the best of every moment.

  18. i wanna get a new job because the golf course is closed for winter

  19. I hope to keep a good schedule at the gym and worry less like Katie Shea cause I totally agree

  20. I want to work on having more patience with people, and try and make new friends in my new school. Try not to be so introverted and judgemental towards a group as a whole; and make the best of the situation I'm in. Having to switch schools in the middle of senior year is hard, making new friends can be difficult for me but this year I want to put forth more effort into doing so.

  21. In 2014, I would like to take things more lightly and be less stressed. I also want to remind myself that everything happens for a reason.

  22. This year I would like to work on saving more money and spending less. While I do save some of what I earn, especially with college just around the corner there is definitely room for improvement. I need to stop spending money on needless things, instead splurging just once in a while, and continually remind myself I will be thankful next year that I have done this.

  23. This year I plan on being more active. Although I have a crazy schedule, I want to make more time to go to the gym!

  24. I think this year is the year that I will try to write at least a song a week, and I want to learn how to play a saw by june

  25. This year I want to be less stressed, more patient, eat healthier, and every once in a while relax from my busy life.

  26. this year i want to act more mature, but I honestly can't see that happening.

  27. I think this year I want to do deal with stress better and try to live a more stress-free life

  28. This year i would like to be more organized and better at keeping track of my stuff. I should try to keep my room cleaner too since it's gotten pretty messy.

  29. I don't make new year resolutions. If i feel something in my life needs changing I'll change it then, not wait until the new year, just because we go from December to January doesn't mean everything will change, things will only change if you make them, not because its a new year.

  30. My new year's resolution is to become employee of the month at some point this year.

  31. A positive change I would like to make is to get better at saving my money

  32. i would like to get out of algonquin

  33. A positive change I would like to make would be to take all opportunities I get, because it will have a lasting effect.

  34. I want to start running on a regular basis again.
