Monday, September 30, 2013

Observations From a Coffee House (Blog #4)

This week I'd like to focus in on description. It's important to pay attention to your surroundings because life moves fast and we may miss it! One of my favorite activities is people watching. I do it everywhere I go. My favorite place is an airport or a coffeeshop when I can sit back and watch unobtrusively. But if you get into the habit of "paying attention" any public place is up for grabs. This week I would like you to start noticing the people around you. Libraries, coffeeshops, malls, sporting events, fast food restaurants, parks, and grocery stores all make for good character observation experiences. Get into the habit of carrying a small notebook with you at all times. Jot down fascinating conversations you overhear, wild and crazy outfits you see, unusual habits people have, and anything else that you find to be different.

For this week's post, I'd like each of you to describe some of your "eccentric" findings.

Some of my own observations from the week include:
“’Tell me a happy story’ she said. So I did. And then she cried.” Overheard on Shrewsbury St. in Worcester between two dark haired boys.

“Latest update......I punched 400 holes into what can only be described as cardboard covered steel disguised as paper...seriously, you all better like those save the date invitations..” and the other guy replied “You are such a *%&$%^” Overheard while sitting in a Starbucks.

"Can you believe she was SO drunk that she peed on that? Conversation between two girls while walking down the hall at Algonquin this morning.

She had on metallic gold, leopard printed pants and a red halter top. Must have been 45 or 50, big blonde hair, heavy eyeliner. Couldn't walk a straight line to the bathroom. The bartender cut her off and she let out a strong of expletives.

Have fun with this!!!


  1. There was a guy golfing with his dog at work this weekend

  2. i saw a homeless man with a rolex watch this weekend and it was odd.

  3. In Texas i saw a police man smoking a blunt in hes car in a parking lot.

  4. this lady the other day left her cart in the middle of the road as i watched her, and i was like, k thx bye bit*h

  5. "If you're gonna do coke, make sure it's high quality" said someone in our classroom.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. "What if you broke both of your legs?"
    A boy said to a girl

  8. Being a vegetarian I think it is important that you surround yourself with other people who believe it is wrong to constantly eat meat from an animal." - Overhead from a woman who ordered lobster tail at 111 Chophouse in Worcester.


    1. such a freak...the woman not you!

    2. It's okay I am probably higher up on the weird scale

  9. I saw a homeless man change into a suit and enter an office building

    1. are you serious? guess you can't trust anyone, ever.

    2. well of course lindsEy i didn't mean you

    3. Give homeless people food not money just in case!

  10. At Wegmans a lady filled a cart full of food then left in the middle of the aisle and walked out

  11. "How'd you hurt your arm?"
    "I was reaching around one of my cows and she shifted a little bit and, well... shnap! She done right tore my tendon."
    "That happened to my son a few years ago, he was none too happy with the whole shnap and healing shenanigans."

    In an airport in Minnesota, between a man in a cast and at least 10 others, coincidentally all cow farmers.

  12. I saw a little boy take off his shoes and then his socks. Switched the socks on to the opposite feet as they were on before, put his shoes on without tying them. Told his friend there was a thorn in toe

  13. Overheard two senior girls walking in the hallway: " Who are you putting for best hair?!"

  14. Heard two girls talking in the hallway: "I was sad so she gave me a tomato plant"

    1. Tomatoes are an excellent source of antioxidants and taste great!

  15. Overheard this guy saying "What am I, your drug bank?" and the girl said "yup pretty much"

  16. A girl wearing sweatpants "I didn't notice until 4th period that my pants were on backwards"

  17. One morning in the halls of Algonquin a girl yelled to Mr. Welty "Mr. Welty are you dealing oreo balls?!?!"

  18. Overheard two senior girls talking and walking down the hallway, "Don't give her most likely to be famous! She is like campaigning for it! I don't wanna giver her the satisfaction!"

  19. Heard two sophomore boy talking, "So like women evolve and turn into men. Then there are no women, just men. And BAM! No government."

  20. me and _____ are gonna go hotbox in my car, its a sweet deal, I provide the spot and he provides the weed

  21. I was tutoring a six year old and she said, "Why do only girls have babies? My mommy says it's because if boys could have babies there would be way too many babies in the world"

  22. *(girl's bathroom by cafeteria, about 10 freshman girls in the bathroom already)
    *girl barges in* "Oh my GOD why are there always so many people in the bathroom?!" (sees gaggle of her freshman friends) "Oh hey guys! Ugh, oh wait is the girl who yelled at me in the bathroom this morning in here? I wanna like yell at her!"
    *her friend replies* "Ohmygod yeah that was so weird this morning! Guys we were literally just having a conversation and the girl comes out of the stall and like screams at us 'can you guys like SHUT UP?' God she was such a b*tch!"

    ...wonder why she screamed at you guys????

  23. An overheard conversation at Bertuccis: "I dated this italian girl one time, the parents didn't like me at the beginning, but after I gained 60 pounds they loved me!"

  24. I heard two guys talking behind me and they said...
    "What are you doing this week bro? Want to drink after school today?"
    "No I got to be sober for when my relatives come over."

  25. Overheard while waiting for freshmen to move "like ohmygod can we hang out this weekend please but I don't want to invite ******** because she's a b****"

  26. I overheard boys talking in the boys bathroom about how they wanted to steal puppies

  27. I was walking down the hallway and two boys are talking, and one of them asks the other, "If two guys have sex, then who's the gay one?"

  28. I am slightly distrubed at some of these.....

  29. My friend and I were at the mall and three teenage foreign exchange student boys came up to us and asked: "Where can you find hairbrushes here?" We told them to go to a hair store on the bottom floor of the mall. They said: "How do we get there?" My friend and I told them to take the escalator. I don't know, it was really weird and we weren't sure if they were being serious or not.

  30. I was babysitting on Thursday, and the little boy I babysit gets into the car and says "Caroline, I want to brush my teeth. When I get home, I'm going to brush my teeth so I don't get cavities." We get home and he brushes his teeth for about 45 minutes straight.

  31. I was walking through the Boston Commons and all of a sudden I saw a group of people singing and dancing directly at my friends and me.
