Monday, September 2, 2013

Welcome to my Writing Classes

Hello and welcome to our class writing blog.

I just want to remind you of the way the blog works. The blog postings will go up on Mondays and you will have until the following Sunday at 9pm to post. At that time I will mark your participation in my gradebook, and there will be no allowances for "late" blogging since you will have a week for each posting.

As you are all aware, I absolutely love to teach writing. Our first assignments will center around personal narrative writing, otherwise known as memoir and of course, the college essay.

In your first posting, I'd like you to tell me one quirky characteristic you have that others may or may not even know about. Or you can tell me something that makes you stand out as a different or unique individual. As we are all aware, the college essay process is tough and admissions officers are looking for the memorable students to admit to their programs.

Have fun with it! In addition, I'd like you each to read through the comments, and make at least one comment on another's posting, after all this is our community.

I'll start out and tell you one of my quirky characteristics. I am a fanatic about cleaning my house before the cleaning ladies arrive. I don't want them to know how messy my family really is!

Ms. Zuba


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  2. One quirky characteristic about me is that I laugh at terribly inconvenient times. This makes for some pretty awkward situations.
    Michael Coombs

  3. I really like music, especially folk-punk which is not something everyone even knows about, I play ukulele, guitar, and dulcimer. (so far)

  4. Something you wouldn't expect is that I love to cook! I love cooking dinner for my mom and sister, Brooke whenever I have the time to! The Food Channel's "Chopped" is one of my favorite television shows to watch in my free time. As weird as it may sound, I love to grill and to make my favorite food (chicken picatta) when I have the time to stop at a grocery store and get the ingredients. I hope that one day my children and future husband rave about my delicious homemade meals!

  5. One quirky characteristic about me is that I don't like any kind of seafood. As a result of this characteristic, I do not enjoy going out to sushi restaurants with my parents.
    Eric Bomarsi

  6. One quirky thing about me is that I'm always really bubbly and happy, even on Monday mornings.

    1. That's a good characteristic to have. I personally have a hard time getting excited for Monday mornings.

    2. I wish I had this characteristic!!

  7. Something quirky about me is im obsessed with snow. I have a house in Vermont and go up every weekend in the winter. I am also a snowboard instructor in Vermont and used to compete for the Mt. Snow competition team.

    1. I'm a fan of summer myself, snow is too cold for me

    2. teach me how to snow board bro

    3. Same.
      I prefer colder weather over warmer weather.
      There's just something about snow that makes it magical.

  8. Hmmmmm a quirky characteristic about me is that a thoroughly enjoy cleaning my car. I self-diagnosed myself with OCD.

    1. You can clean my car anytime Monica!

    2. I love cleaning my car too! Any form of cleaning or organizing is very relaxing for me!

    3. I do this too! It's a good characteristic to have because it's nice to always have a clean car!!!

  9. I eat bread for lunch everyday and plain pasta for dinner.

  10. My all time favorite food is chicken. Yup, chicken. I like chicken Parmesan, chicken piccata, chicken marsala, honey bbq chicken wings, BBQ chicken pizza, fried chicken, breaded chicken, grilled chicken, Chick Fil A chicken, Nandos chicken (that's a South African thing!), buffalo chicken, chicken salad and chicken patties. The only type of chicken I don't like is chicken in cranberry sauce. Ew.

    1. I can relate, I think I eat chicken every day... Buffalo chicken and chicken piccata are my favorite and let's not forget chicken wings!!

    2. Shannon- I really appreciate your love of chicken.

  11. One cool fact about me is that I like to do my laundry while listening to Dubstep, it speeds things along! Try it!

    1. Wow that is really impressive that you do your own laundry. A+ for you! Dubstep always speeds up the game, I assume that you put on a rave while doing the laundry?? #DJProblems

    2. can you show me how to do laundry sometime??

  12. Something you would not know about me is that I have a scar on my face from when I was little and a bike ran over my face.

    1. How old were you?! Must have been traumatizing

    2. I am sorry to hear that a bike ran over your face :( I hope you are the first and last person that has happened to

  13. Something quirky about me is that instead of making scrapbooks I just put up everything on my walls, so my bedroom has essentially become a collage at this point.

    1. I do the same thing, my walls are completely covered with pictures!

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  15. I have had chocolate chip eggo waffles every day before school for breakfast since middle school

  16. I color code my closet! When it comes to my clothes, they are neat, organized, and each piece has their own "home"!

  17. Okay. I have a ridiculous affinity for horses and drawing. The walls of my room are covered with photos and drawings of horses that I made over the years. My dressing table has... I think 20 sketchbooks stacked on top of it...

  18. I have never been to Disney World...or Disney Land. Wait, which one is in California and which one is in Florida? Doesn't matter, I haven't been to either! Oh, and I had never been to Six Flags until this past summer. Go me!

  19. Hmmmm so I went to Spain 5 months ago and ever since then, I haven't stopped scrapbooking and putting together collages in my room! I am obsessed.

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    2. I love putting together scrapbooks too, right now I am making one of prom!

  20. I was bit by a rottweiler when I was 10 so now I have a scar underneath my chin and one on the indent below my bottom lip which barely anyone has noticed. Needless to say, I'm always more cautious around rottweilers now.

  21. Sometimes I like to type starting phrases of sentences such asd "how" or "why" into the Google search box and read all of the funny options that come up. You'd be surprised at what comes up!

  22. What you may not know about me is that I have Acrophobia, which is a fear of heights, but I love the thrill of rollercoasters.

  23. I love pancakes and music, mostly electronic music, but not always, ya know? Like sometimes i wanna listen to some throwback 90s rock, but never country, dont know why anyone listens to country ding a ling a danglanggg

  24. I am under five feet and i stopped growing four years ago
    -Becca Rahaim

  25. I'm obsessed with turtles.
    & Ellen DeGeneres.

  26. Sometimes when i open the toilet seat I'm afraid a badger or some sort of animal will pop out

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  28. I love country music. Unlike Sean, I don't think it sounds like "ding a ling a danglanggg". Going to concerts is always the highlight of my summer, I love them!!

  29. I like anytime other than 7:20 to 1:50 Monday through Friday

  30. i thought I killed my boyfriend's cat with my mind.

  31. I love making christmas cards all year long, not just at christmas time. Around the holiday season I get them all out and will sell them and/or give them away to friends and family.

  32. I am very good at remembering peoples names and their faces, even if I haven't seen them in years.

  33. I love Friday nights & Sunday mornings.

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