Monday, November 25, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving! (Blog #12)

Happy THanksgiving to each and every one of you. My gift to you this holiday season is no homework, no blog.

Enjoy some time off with your friends and family.

Ms. Z. :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Gratefulness (Blog #11)

Hi folks,

The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday always makes me think about how much I have in my life and how grateful I am to be here, teaching, at Algonquin. So this week, I'd like you to share with each other the things you are grateful for. Mine is a long, long list...but just a few to start.

I am grateful for coffee. For my little girls' giggles. For my students who keep me on my toes. I am thankful for my health, because without it I have nothing. I am thankful for the ability to share what I have with those who have little. For my husband who always has a contingency plan, and a contingency plan for the contingency plan. I am thankful for friends who listen and offer shoulders to lean on. Mostly, I am thankful to be here today.

Ms. Z.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Open Sesame....or is it Season? (#10)

Hi folks,
We have rounded the corner in class and are headed towards the end. Therefore, this week I'd like to use the blog as an open forum for discussion about the class, our concerns, our difficulties, and perhaps we can help each other.

I'll start: I'm concerned that while we are in the writing lab, we aren't using our time as effectively as possible. Thoughts?

I'd like you to post this week as well as comment on at least 2 other postings as well.

Ms. Zuba

Monday, November 4, 2013

End of the World, Zombie Apocolypse, Hurricanes, Oh My! (Blog #9)

Welcome to Term 2 folks!

No, Ms. Zuba has not lost her mind...even though she did watch The Walking Dead last night, which always brings out the "prepper" in me and my husband does have a zombie survival kit in our attic (and we have a "Z" plan)...this blog entry comes to me after reading the essay Taking a Fall. I'd like you to read the essay and join in a discussion on our blog. This week I am asking you for two things:
1. post a response of your own after reading the essay
2. Go back a few days later and make a comment on someone else's post

Things to think about as you read:
• Did you enjoy the essay, why or why not?
• How does the essay represent our society's feelings on survivalism?
• What is the author's purpose in writing the essay?
Enjoy!!! And if you start hoarding power bars and bottled water, don't blame me!

Ms. Z.