Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Open Sesame....or is it Season? (#10)

Hi folks,
We have rounded the corner in class and are headed towards the end. Therefore, this week I'd like to use the blog as an open forum for discussion about the class, our concerns, our difficulties, and perhaps we can help each other.

I'll start: I'm concerned that while we are in the writing lab, we aren't using our time as effectively as possible. Thoughts?

I'd like you to post this week as well as comment on at least 2 other postings as well.

Ms. Zuba


  1. I think that we should have field trips because it would really increase our understanding of the content

    1. I think this sounds like a great idea

    2. I agree. This would give us a great opportunity to enhance our writing abilities.

    3. Peter I don't believe she asked for suggestions, she asked for concerns... try again next week

  2. I do not have any real concerns other than if we lose some class time due to your concern, I (and I am sure others will agree) may become overwhelmed with having to finish essays at home. I find that this fifth period writing class is a nice break in my day to be creative, and I think that I do some of my best writing in the lab during class time. I feel that my ideas are stronger when I have time during the day to really develop them versus scrambling to finish the paper at all hours of the night before it is due. The process that we have been doing so far definitely works for me.

    1. I agree, having time to write in the lab helps a lot!

    2. took the words right out of my mouth

    3. True Mar, there's too much stress to finish all essays at home. I also love having this class during fifth period because it really breaks up my day. I also agree that our current process is best!

  3. I will admit that the class is distracting, but I think it does help us. We do a lot open discussions when we aren't writing the papers, which helps. Then, when we write the papers, we're still effective. While we talk to others a lot in the lab, sometimes we get an idea from the conversation.

  4. I like that we are given time in class to work on our essays because it helps when we can collaborate and share ideas. I think that having more examples would be helpful so that it’s clear what type of writing is expected. The college essay examples helped me a lot. Maybe doing more fish bowl activities for editing like we used to would help too.

    1. I do agree that more examples could be helpful, but I disagree that we should do more fish bowl activities. I love peer editing in our small groups like we have been.

    2. I like peer editing in the small groups too.

    3. I agree with Katie Shea. In class time on the college essay really motivated me to get going on it!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. I have no complaints, as lab time is an excellent opportunity to focus and do my work.

    1. I agree. So far I have never had a problem getting papers done on time because we have had adequate time to complete them in the lab.

    2. I 100% agree with you Michael!

  6. I don't have any real complaints about this class. I like writing in the labs, even if it is distracting at times. I get some of my best writing done in the labs and I agree that it helps when we get to have other peoples opinions while working in the lab.

    1. I agree, it is very helpful to have people around that we can ask for imput if we need it whereas at home most of us are on our own.

  7. I feel as though the amount of lab time that we receive to work on our essays is good. I believe while some distractions are present here, it is very important to have this time. I think that there are far fewer distractions in the lab as there would be at home. Also, the lab time allows us all to be ready for deadlines whereas without it, not everyone would have their essays ready to be peer edited on the due dates.

    1. I agree, the time does add up and makes it easier to accomplish the work

    2. I agree that not everyone would be as prepared for deadlines. Also, very good point about MORE distractions at home. Very true.

    3. I agree - way more distractions at home... aka unlimited food

    4. I definitely agree with you that it is easier to focus in school despite the distractions.

  8. I think that the amount of time we have in the lab is suitable, because it allows us to really make good content before we go into our peer editing groups. That way, when we are peer editing, it is more broad feedback as compared to the grammatical corrections we would be supplying otherwise.

    1. Very good point about the grammatical errors. I agree that the focus on content is more important and easier to emphasize with optimal lab time.

    2. I agree with Emma that the amount of time we get in the lab is perfect, and I normally only have to edit my essay at home

  9. So far this year, I have no complaints about this class. I admire that you give us class time to write and peer edit our essays, and if that was taken away it would add on a huge amount of stress to students. So we should continue class the way it is now.

    1. i have to agree. there's always plenty of class time for everything

  10. I have no complaints either, but I think it may be more constructive if we had lab time to write our responses to the readings that we read. It would allow us to have a digital copy and I type fast than I write so just a personal thing.

    1. freddie this is a fab idea. I just really do not like writing things by hand, so If we had a single period to type a response up it would be a lot more convient!

    2. really like this idea! it will teach us time management if we have to do more than one assignment while given lab time.

    3. agreed fred. i type faster than write personally.

  11. I really enjoy the time in the lab, and it is very helpful to lightening my homework load. Usually we spend three days in here dedicated to writing our essay and that is just enough time for me to get mine done, with edits to do at home. This helps me a lot with lowering the amount of work I have to do at home, and it especially helps with all the college apps due at this time of the year. I think sometimes it is easy to become distracted but I really do think the lab time is nice and essential to getting my essays done on time!!

  12. I enjoy the time we are given in the lab and I know some of us try to use it wisely. Our class gets a bit rambunctious so on occasion, its a challenge to get work done.

    1. this is a good description of the class

    2. i think that kids who don't do work on the computers should be sent to Mr.Mead's office with a laptop. i think that would solve all the problems.

    3. Zayne was the comment aimed at me?

  13. We should just move our class to one of the computer labs.

  14. I think the lab time is essential to the class, it keeps the work load of the class light. Sometimes I am not as focused on the paper i'm working on because of writers block or sometimes I've finished early, but usually the amount of lab time we have is perfect for the amount of work we have.

    1. exactly how I feel as well! Generally the amount of time is perfect.

  15. I think the time in the lab that we are given is very useful in the workings of our assignments. I find myself getting the majority of the work done in class and that is because it is a place where I can focus. Although our class in particular is quite noisy and get off task easily, we do appreciate our time in the lab.

  16. i think there could be more lab time except there's too many distractions with different people which slows down the writing process and Ms. Zuba should punish people more lawls

    1. yeah Ms Zuba really needs to punish people more

    2. The lab time makes this class what it is because no one gets homework if you get your work done, which is why the labs should stay.

  17. I think the lab time is very effective and allows those who stay on task the opportunity to get their writing done in class. Our class often gets distracted but overall the computer lab time is very much needed.

    1. I agree! If we can stay focused, we can get a lot of work done!

    2. agreed! it's up to us to use the time given. Whether we do or don't is up to us.

  18. I believe that because most of our papers are supposed to be 3-4 pages, which is longer than last term, we should have at least one extra day in the lab. I also tend to work on my essays when I have lunch in the library, especially when we have second lunch. I value the time in the lab very much and I believe that most of us are efficient.

  19. I agree with everything that has been said. I do not have any complaints about the lab time. I am sure many people are using time wisely and getting enough work done to hand it in at the due date, even if that leaves time for a little bit of goofing off... do you guys agree? Without this time our work would not be as good quality as it should.

  20. I appreciate the time that we get in the lab to work on our essays.It lightens the homework load and also takes some stress off; which is especially nice this time of the year as we have college application stuff to work on also. I think most of the class does stay focused and those that don't are just hurting themselves because they will have more to do at home.

    1. very well said. And I agree, this time of year is especially stressful for us seniors

  21. i just do not care really, i do all my work at home, the lab in my opinion is not like a WOAH gotta get my work done kinda deal.

    1. I agree, i think it is much easier to focus on writing at home rather than the lab

  22. I think that we usually get enough time in the lab but sometimes we could use another day. I think what we get finished in class is different to everyone. It depends how you use your time. If your not doing your work then that's your problem and find a different time to do it. The lab is way better than using laptops though.

  23. I think that the lab time is very useful because it results in less work at home. While not everyone may not use the time effectively, the ones that do benefit greatly.

  24. I will admit that the class is distracting, but I think it does help us. I like that we can wright about anything in this class. We do a lot open discussions when we aren't writing the papers, which helps.

  25. I value the time Ms. Zuba gives us in the lab. Giving us class time to get all of our work done is extremely generous. It takes a lot of stress off of me because knowing I can get my work done during class, I have less of a work load at home.

  26. I agree with pretty much everyone on here that I love the class time given to us for writing and peer editing. It definitely creates less stress as I know I don't have to work on an essay at home since I have class time to do so. This week I was not as effective as I could of been because of college stuff so I do have some work to do on my paper, which I am currently doing right now. But now there are more distractions at home, like food and really good movies (currently flipping back and forth between "A Few Good Men" and "He's Just Not That Into You"). Anyway, I have no complaints, I love how the class is run, and I'm not excited to go to a science class after this.

  27. Thanks for all the comments folks!

  28. I really like this class and I agree with most of what everyone else has said. I wish we had more time to fit more topics into the class such as flash fiction. I like that we are able to work during class although I never get much done. I am generally more comfortable writing at home because I don't really like people looking over my shoulder while I am still drafting. Which is silly.
