Monday, November 18, 2013

Gratefulness (Blog #11)

Hi folks,

The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday always makes me think about how much I have in my life and how grateful I am to be here, teaching, at Algonquin. So this week, I'd like you to share with each other the things you are grateful for. Mine is a long, long list...but just a few to start.

I am grateful for coffee. For my little girls' giggles. For my students who keep me on my toes. I am thankful for my health, because without it I have nothing. I am thankful for the ability to share what I have with those who have little. For my husband who always has a contingency plan, and a contingency plan for the contingency plan. I am thankful for friends who listen and offer shoulders to lean on. Mostly, I am thankful to be here today.

Ms. Z.


  1. I am grateful for my mom who takes the role of both parents. My cavachon puppy, Mia who can always make me smile. My little sister Brooke, who even though she steals my clothes, will still get me water or food when I'm too lazy to get up from bed. I am so thankful that I am healthy and capable of helping others. For the couple of friends that have stayed with me throughout high school - even if they live on the other coast of the country. I am thankful that I have been able to see many parts of the world even though I am only seventeen. I am thankful for macaroni and cheese, my go-to food. Ultimately, I am very thankful for the life that I lead and would not trade it for anything in the world.

  2. Now that I am sitting here and actually thinking about what I am thankful for, I have a lot to say. I am thankful for my mother who has gone through a lot. I am thankful for the support my twin brother gives me. I am thankful for my doctors who have successfully performed 5 surgeries on me in the past 4 years. My family and friends are what I am most grateful for because they have all been so supportive. I am thankful for being able to go on an amazing trip to Spain and Portugal last April with awesome kids. I am thankful for Ms. Squires who went to the ER with me in Spain because no one could've dealt with the situation better than she did. I am also thankful for all my teachers who have been so generous.

  3. I'm grateful for the time i have to exist and everything I've ever experienced for I wouldn't be the kid I am today without that

    1. Being a DJ must provide you with a ton of fun moments!

  4. I'm grateful for the opportunities that I've had over the years, especially with the chances I've been given to travel around the world. I'm grateful for those experiences I have had and many others that I will always cherish.

  5. I am grateful for being at a good high school and having many opportunities available

  6. I am grateful for my two sisters because without them I would not be me. I'm grateful for my cousins and the close relationship we've always had. I'm grateful for the experiences I've been able to have that have pushed me to learn that life has no limits. I'm grateful that I have been able to travel to places I never thought I'd go to S/O to Sean and Morgan #JohnnyCocksmore... I'm grateful for Sean Dorsey for providing us with music and pancakes and occasionally good laughs. And most importantly I'm grateful for my health and happiness.

  7. I am grateful for having people in my life that can make me laugh every day. I am thankful for my sisters, without them I would have limited clothing and make-up knowledge. I am grateful for my dog which I consider as my brother for always listening to what I have to say. I am grateful for the home that I live in. I am grateful for the strong family I have when the hardest of times have knocked us down. And most importantly I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had, and the opportunities that will arise.

  8. I am grateful for everything i have and everyone i know. I am also grateful for the ability to conjure imaginative pieces literature.

    1. When you can create imaginative pieces it really is pretty fun to write them once you get into it.

  9. I am grateful for the ability to make other people's lives easier through small efforts on my own part.

  10. i am grateful for the wonderful friends and family in my life who will always be there for me.

  11. I am grateful for all of my animals (two dogs, three cats, four chinchillas, and some fish) I am grateful for my caring friends and understanding parents, and I am grateful to be here today.

  12. I am very grateful for the amazing friends and family I have because without them I might just go crazy. I couldn't ask for better people in my life, and I am especially grateful for the wonderful opportunities in my life that lay ahead of me.

  13. I am grateful for my parents. I never show how much I actually need their help and advice, but without it I don't know where I would be. I'm thankful for my friends who teach me lessons everyday and have been there for me in everyway. I'm grateful for my grandparents because they teach me so much indirectly and I love whenever I get the chance to see them. I'm grateful for my health, especially since there are people with diabetes who have it worse than I do. I am thankful for the food I eat, the clothes I wear, the clean water I drink, the volunteer opportunites I've had, my teammates and coaches, my teachers, and even my sibings who, even though they drive me crazy, I can't imagine living without them. Basically, I'm grateful for every opportunity I've had and for every day I'm given.

  14. I'm grateful for my brother who is always there for me and will drop what he's doing to call me if I need help. I'm grateful for my sister who keeps me young and gives me an excuse (kind of) to watch Disney Channel................................

    I am grateful for my extended family. Even though they live far away I can always count on their support and I know they'll always like my posts on Facebook. And the give me the chance to travel to some awesome places. Not many people can say they've been on 3 African safaris!

    I'm mostly grateful that I have opportunities living in the US that I couldn't have anywhere else. I live in a great home, go to a great school, will go to college and I have awesome food on my plate every meal. Too many members of my family are sacrificing those things and here I am taking it for granted most of the year!

  15. I am grateful for my parents, even when we don't see eye-to-eye, there is a resolution at the end. I love my siblings more than anything, even though they may annoy me a lot, I could not imagine life without them and remind what it was like as a child.
    I am grateful for the fact that I am bilingual and that I have the opportunity to learn new languages, making it easier for me to communicate with friends and family. I enjoy the fact that I am able to travel and go to different places for vacations and have fun with my family.
    I am grateful that I live in the best state for education. If I didn't live here, I don't know where I would be because all the teachers here are top rate and know what they are doing.
    Most of all, I'm glad that I am alive and have the opportunity to live life to the fullest each day.

  16. I am grateful for my family and friends that are there to support me no matter what. I am grateful for my opportunities in and outside of school and the ability to play soccer. Soccer is my stress reliever and a place where i have the best times and achive goals.
    I am grateful for my home, the town we live in, and my families ability to take vactions together and create many, many memories that will last me a lifetime.
    I am especially grateful for my sister and our relationship that I wouldn't trade for anything and lastly, my health. I may not be perfect but it could be a whole lot worse.

  17. I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. I am thankful for my brother coming home from school this holiday season. I am also thankful for my dog and other pets that are well. Also, I am thankful for being able to learn at Algonquin and having the ability to apply to colleges with confidence.

  18. I am grateful for all of the people in my life that have made it so that I succeed. I am grateful for my family and friends, my peers and teachers, pets and anyone who was ever nice to me. I think we overlook the things that we take for granted, and therefore I am grateful for water, breathable air, a bed, a home, food, healthcare, education, and so much more. We should all be grateful for the things that come easily to us, but express gratitude for the things that we fight to keep.

  19. I am grateful for the group of friends I have collected, a motley crew of social stragglers who came together to create something bigger and better than themselves. I am grateful for being human, for the lifetime of opportunities ahead of me, and for the comfort I've been provided (my home, food, finances, schooling, etc.). I'm grateful for the flow of love I feel in my life.

  20. I am thankful for my loving family, although I may not always show it. I'm thankful for the friends that fill my days with hope and laughter. I'm thankful for the roof over my head and the food on my plate every day. I'm thankful for the ability to have an education and opportunity to achieve my dreams. I'm thankful for all of the things I completely take for granted every other day of my life. There is no list that could ever completely capture the capacity of blessings I am truly thankful for.

  21. I am thankful for summer, raspberries, and the twitter account "@CuteEmergency."
    I am grateful for monica pompey as a friend &carolyn sacco as my only other friend
    I am thankful for scarves, big sweaters, and tea
    And most of all I'm thankful for Michael Coombs

  22. I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given growing up in the U.S. I am thankful for my school, my health and my safety. I am thankful for my house that stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer. For my parents and all they do to provide for my brother and I; and for my brother, as annoying as he may be at times. Lastly, I am thankful for my friends who are always there when I need them.

  23. I am grateful for my parents. Im thankful for having a nice school to go to everyday and thankful for the schools cookies. Im grateful to have a nice home. Im thankful that we have soldier fighting for our freedom.

  24. I am grateful for my overbearing parents because I know that they just love me so much that they can't help themselves. I am grateful for my sister because even though we fight, I know that we will always make up. I am thankful for my true friends that I know I can trust and I know can always make me laugh. I am thankful for being fortunate enough to have a close and loving extended family of grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. I am thankful for being able to attend a safe and rewarding high school that will prepare me for adulthood. I am grateful to have a house that is truly a home. I am thankful for the opportunities I have had to travel and experience. I am thankful that I have gone on service trips and was able to give back to those less fortunate than me. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it does remind us to count our blessings even though we should count them everyday.

  25. I am thankful for my family and friends and the incredible communities I often find myself immersed in without quite knowing how I got there. I am also grateful for the opportunities allowed to me by living where I do, the smell of libraries, and coffee.

  26. I am grateful for my family, my friends, and my boyfriend. My home in Northborough, my job, books, and dessert. :)
